General Science.
Science in the Kitchen: Hands-on science lessons in printable pdf format. Includes
chapters on Biology, Chemistry, & Physics.
covers inventors (including Benjamin Franklin of course),
time, weather, earth science, and more.
& Mouse- Active learning science projects ranging from K-8th. Covers various branches of science (Earth, Anatomy, Botany,
Astronomy, etc.)
Lots of info., Games & activities.
Newton's Apple (PBS) has Lesson Plans that
cover various scientific studies. You can find the Index HERE.
These next 4 sites are all technically
different branches of the same site and can all be viewed as beginner, intermediate or advanced... in English or Spanish.....
(2) Geology- rocks, minerals, layers of the earth, plates, scientists, & fossils.

Life Sciences
ThinkQuest: Science Explorer - Biology
This site has online field guides you can access (although each
category isn't necessarily comprehensive, like insects)

Earth Science & Astronomy
Set it as your home page... and see something new everyday,
or go down to the Archive and explore.
These are not just images, but short explanations as
little lessons each thurday. (free printables).
Notice there are archives as well.
... and again from Nasa StarChild has online info.
about space.
set to music in the form of a short movie.
Here is a neat little site that lets you put in any
date of any year and it will tell you (or your student)
what phase the moon was in then.
Good for just playing around, or for grading
moon phase observations.
Free Worksheets for grades Preschool-3.
You'll need to register for free.
Then click on "Theme Sheets"... then "space."
You'll find sheets of facts for each planet, the moon,
sun, etc. .... and worksheets to practice what they've learned.
Also... Language and math sheets with a space theme.
For online reading about planets, & constellations
a calendar for upcoming astrological events try

A free e-mail newsletter once every 2 weeks
that introduces kids slowly and painlessly to Chemistry.
"...In each issue you will find facts about an element, the history of its discovery,
information for the advanced learner and tips for sharing it with your kids..."
Rader's Chem4Kids has some good foundational stuff on it.
Nice beginning spot for kids that are just getting
started in
chemistry (simple enough for late elementary students).
Newton's Apple (an old kids' PBS show) has online
lesson plans & activities... here are a couple:
Soap & Detergent Agency.
Fireworks: The Science Behid the Spectacle- Chemistry
This site includes links to a clickable table of elements,
experiments, unit converters, & a crossword.
(and more Chem. stuff if you click the other links,
games and worksheets).
(grades 3-12)
