Not JUST modern history links..
but also links that have histories from
start to finish.
*This page is a work in progress.. so please be patient.
General Modern History
(covering more than one country)
NEW LINK Eyewitness to History- History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Here you'll find photographes, film, & audio in addtition to text. Organized by time period and by media.
Includes Britain & WWI, US, India, Ireland,
Russia/USSR, Germany, & International Relations.
NEW LINK Internet Modern History Sourcebook- Thousands of history sources sorted chronilogically and geographically. Also
on this site is a list of "History in the Movies" for those who would like to suppliment their studies with media.
(I would reccomend this for older students.. or for homeschool parents as they plan the course of study for their students).
History pages: photos, articles, news,
video, & more.
United States
also see Early American History
U.S. Presidents
Plimoth / Plymouth
Colonial/Revolutionary United States
states, music, play, people, .. or jump back in time to any
date you wish. Fun & Interesting.
and historic writings.
Who am I? People in history.